Wichtiger Hinweis:
Lehrwerk: wird im Kurs besprochen.
Cambridge and IELTS exams are worldwide recognized tests for English for Speakers of other Languages and have been designed to assess language ability. This course focuses on enhancing your fluency, coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range, and pronunciation. Each session is structured around typical exam topics and latest speaking tests to provide you with practical experience and targeted practice. You will feel more confident in handling different types of interactions in different situations, from personal introductions to discussing abstract ideas.
Kurs mit Probebesuch am Beginndatum des Kurses (seitens VHS)
der Stadt Osnabrück GmbH
Bergstraße 8
49076 Osnabrück
Telefon | Fax
fon 05 41 / 323 – 22 43
fax 05 41 / 323 – 43 47